i'm Machine Learning Developer & Laravel Developer


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My name is Husein Zidan. One of my greatest obsessions is delving deep into revolutionary concepts such as Industry 5.0 and Web 3.0. I believe that technology continually transforms how we work, interact, and live, and I am passionate about being part of this change. Pursuing knowledge and insights into the latest innovations in the tech world feels like exploring a new, uncharted realm.

When I'm not busy with basketball or tackling programming projects, you can often find me immersed in thick books on algorithms, computer science, and the philosophy of technology. I enjoy approaching the tech world with a critical mind, constantly questioning and seeking a deeper understanding of how technology impacts our lives.

Currently, I am pursuing a career as a Fullstack Developer and Machine Learning Developer. My journey in the tech field began in 2020, and I have been working in frontend development ever since. I have experience working on platforms like and I am a dedicated and relentless learner, always striving to improve. #NoRiskNoHistory

Through my blog, I hope to share with you all my journey in exploring the tech world and how my passion for basketball and critical thinking shapes my perspective. Thank you for visiting my website, and let's embark on this inspiring journey together!